
dBud - Volume Adjustable Earplugs by EarLabs

dBud - Volume Adjustable Earplugs by EarLabs

PRICE: £ 55.00

dBud - Volume Adjustable Earplugs by EarLabs

PRICE: £55.00
06 November 2019

Designed for everyday life, dBud earplugs are the perfect companions for anyone with a need to tone down the volume of his surroundings. With the slide of a button you can adjust the amount of decibels you want to filter out and set the appropriate sound level for your environment. You'll still hear conversations, television, etc, but it'll block out the background noise. You can carry them with you wherever you go by wearing them around your neck, or having them in your pocket using the sleek carrying case. dBud earplugs are also ideal if you play music. You'll hear everything on stage, you'll sing without it sounded plugged up and ZERO buzzing or ringing after the show.

